AveMix® XG 10
AveMix® XG 10 is suitable for:
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AveMix® XG 10
AveMix® XG 10 contains two active enzymes: endo–1,3(4)-beta -glucanase and endo-1,4-beta- xylanase. The synergistic action of these two enzymes ensures the breakdown of both soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) fibers that are present in the feed.
This is important as nutrients (i.e., starch, crude proteins, and amino acids) in the small intestine that are trapped in plant cells by insoluble NSP fibers (having a so–called nutshell effect) cannot be absorbed by the animal. Soluble NSP fibers are also an issue as they have a gel effect and high water-binding capacity. This increases gut viscosity which can cause serious health disorders, as well as slowing down and limiting nutrient absorption.
AveMix® XG 10 breaks down the insoluble NSP fibers in plant cell walls, which increases nutrient availability. AveMix® XG 10 also decreases intestinal viscosity by breaking down the soluble NSP fibers, which significantly improves the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. These beneficial properties of AveMix® XG 10 make it possible to include a higher proportion of fiber-rich raw materials in the feed, including cheaper alternative by-products. This provides flexibility with feed reformulation, which can reduce feed costs.
Further information about AveMix® XG 10 is available in terms of its:
(1) Mode of action
(2) Benefits for broilers & laying hen
(3) Benefits for piglets
(4) Resolving NSP issues with sunflower meal and rye
AveMix® XG 10 is suitable for:
Contact us for advice on how to optimally implement these products and let Palital guide you!
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Contact us via info@palital.com
or +31 418 840 017