AveMix® MC12 – The solution to boost weaning piglet health and performance

At weaning, piglets suffer from social, environmental and nutritional challenges. The resulting stress can significantly impact the immunity and general health status of weaning piglets. This is why they are more sensitive to pathogens, for example Escherichia coli and Streptococcus suis.
Approaches to prevent bacterial infections occurring during weaning are limited, particularly since the ban of antibiotic growth promoters and zinc oxide (as of June 2022) in Europe. As a consequence, prophylactic measures, biosecurity on farm, and animal management are even more important than before. In terms of prophylactic measures, complementary feed and feed additives can be used to regulate the gut microflora, health and immunity of weaning piglets. The complementary feed AveMix® MC12 is an ideal solution to help prevent the negative impact of weaning related challenges on piglet performance and gut health.
AveMix® MC12 is a preventive solution
Palital has developed AveMix® MC12, which is a lauric acid-based concept that is highly effective against Gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus suis and Staphylococcus aureus. AveMix® MC12 is, therefore, an optimal solution to deliver better uniformity and health of weaning piglets while ensuring optimal performance. Further details on the mode of action of AveMix® MC12 and the pathogens it targets can be read here.

Figure 1: The benefits of AveMix® MC12 for weaning piglets were demonstrated using Arvesta’s own trial facility at Neerhespen in Belgium.
AveMix® MC12 supports the health of weaning piglets
To demonstrate the benefits of AveMix® MC12, a weaning piglet trial was conducted within Arvesta’s own trial facility at Neerhespen in Belgium (Figure 1). The trial was conducted with a total of 400 weaning piglets which were 3 weeks old. All piglets received the same basal pre-starter and starter diets during the 6-week trial. The piglets were randomly allocated into two groups of 200 animals (25 per pen). The control group received the basal diets and the AveMix® MC12 group received the same basal diets supplemented with the recommended dosage of AveMix® MC12.

Figure 2 – Feed conversion ratio of the piglets that received the control or AveMix® MC12 treatments. Within each time period, bars labelled with a letter (i.e., a or b) are significantly different from each other (P≤0.05).
AveMix® MC12 significantly improved the feed conversion ratio (Figure 2), and supported the daily weight gain and daily feed intake of the piglets. An improved general health status was also observed for the piglets fed with AveMix® MC12. This was characterized by higher group uniformity and fecal score. This is further confirmed by a reduction in the number of weak piglets and mortality (Figure 3A), and associated with the latter was a decreased total drop out weight (Figure 3B). Autopsy of the dead piglets indicated that only animals from the control treatment had Streptococcus suis infections.

Figure 3 – Number of dead and weak piglets (A), and total drop out weight (B). Results are shown for the piglets that received the control or AveMix® MC12 treatments.
In conclusion, AveMix® MC12 is an effective prevention tool for the challenges that occur in the weaning period of piglets. AveMix® MC12 improved the feed conversion efficiency and health of weaning piglets. For more information on AveMix® MC12 get in contact with us.